authors are vetted 专家s in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal 专家s in the same field.
验证专家 在工程
11 的经验

Fahad是Salesforce认证人员.com Developer and web developer since 2011, including being a senior dev for clients like Honeywell.



Salesforce AppExchange是 Salesforce微软的云计算商店. It’s used by 开发人员 and independent software vendor (ISV) partners to sell the apps they’ve built on the Salesforce platform.

Salesforce built AppExchange for enterprise to provide everything from point solutions to full-blown professional automation apps empowering them to achieve measurable business goals in the cloud.


Salesforce AppExchange产品的好处和类型

In AppExchange’s huge repository, some apps are free, while many carry a subscription fee. 应用程序主要分为三种分类方式:

  • 按类型划分(应用程序、组件、闪电解决方案)
  • 按产品(销售、服务、营销等)划分.)
  • 按行业划分(政府、教育、金融等.)

Salesforce AppExchange products come in two flavors: Managed packages and unmanaged packages.

Unmanaged packages are typically used to distribute open-source projects and applications so that 开发人员 拥有基本的功能构建块. 然后,他们可以在此基础上构建额外的功能, 或者根据他们的需求对项目进行修改, e.g.、业务逻辑. 一旦发布,非托管包就不能升级.

Managed packages are typically built by Salesforce ISV partners to sell and distribute their applications to customers. 这些包是由Salesforce开发人员版组织创建的. 托管包完全可升级. 安装包的客户无法看到或更改 顶点 作为托管包一部分的代码.


  • 您不必从头开始构建任何功能. You can just download a pre-built solution, which is more secure and already tested by other users.
  • 您不需要投资开发和维护成本, 付费应用通常是由其提供商改进和增强的. There’s only the time investment of searching for an existing app and implementing it, 要么你自己动手,要么在别人的帮助下 专家.

企业如何使用Salesforce AppExchange?

目前AppExchange上有3000多款应用. In 2016, 85%的财富100强公司 were connecting with their customers with at least one Salesforce AppExchange app.

One very handy aspect of AppExchange apps is that each installation applies to only one Salesforce instance. This means you can easily run extended tests and training on a new app in a sandbox instance first before rolling it out in production.

目前,AppExchange应用的总安装量已超过300万次. 这使它成为一个有吸引力的综合性社交资源, 移动, 以及面向企业的云连接应用程序.

如果你是ISV合作伙伴, Salesforce allows you to turn your idea into a business by building an app on the Salesforce platform and selling it to potential customers through their partner program.

作为Salesforce的客户, you might end up in a situation where you need to build some functionality not available by default in Salesforce. If you are short on time or otherwise don’t want to build the solution from scratch, AppExchange是适合你的地方.




你可以随时去 Salesforce AppExchange 你自己或通过谷歌搜索 sfdc. 然而, the AppExchange link in your Salesforce environment (under the Apps section) will log you in directly so you’re ready to install apps.






从AppExchange搜索结果列表中选择产品后, 你可查阅个别产品的下列详细资料:

  • 平均用户评分
  • 先前安装SFDC应用程序的用户的评论
  • 列于(i).e.(应用程序第一次上传到AppExchange的日期)
  • 最新发布日期
  • 产品价格. This is charged monthly or yearly and is based on the number of users using the app.


AppExchange also gives you the functionality to watch a demo or even take the app for a test drive. This lets you easily review the overall functionality of the product and decide whether it’s one you want to buy and install. The test drive in particular lets you review a fully functional demo of the app as a read-only user, 哪些对规划实施有帮助.

Apps can be demoed and test-driven before you decide to install them in your own Salesforce environment.

Salesforce管理员可以选择安装发布到AppExchange的应用程序. Installing a published app from AppExchange is safe and simple: Just hit “Get It 现在” to add the app and all its components to your Salesforce environment.

一些最有用的Salesforce AppExchange应用程序



通过这个应用程序, 用户可以轻松地创建和交付完全可定制的Word, 演示文稿, Excel, HTML电子邮件, 及PDF格式输出. This is often used to make proposals, account plans, invoices, quotes, contracts, etc. 来自Salesforce数据.

我用过 康茄舞的作曲家 for so many different projects—from mailings to formatted reports—and in every case, it has reduced a process that used to take hours down to a single button click.


这个免费的,简单的应用程序为流行的MailChimp的服务 gives you the ability to create email campaigns and manage your lists and subscribers, 这些都来自Salesforce内部.

One of the best features of this app is that it adds a Visualforce component to your Lead and 联系 records, 让你能够看到他们与你的营销邮件的互动.


汇总助手,您可以获得聚合(count, sum, min/max等).) out of any Salesforce data without any of the custom coding that would normally be required.

This app has helped me on many projects where there has been a need to look up the relationship between objects and to replicate the functionality of a master-detail relationship—for example, 当看到一个机会和它的机会行项目.

Normally, such relationships require writing custom logic in triggers on a child object. The programming has to cover what happens after insert, update, delete, and undelete events. 通过这个应用程序, I’ve been able to implement the same functionality simply with a few clicks and a bit of configuration.


DupeCatcher enables users to deal effectively with all sorts of data that are prone to duplication. 这是实时完成的, 在入境点, 并给予用户完全的控制权,以避免数据丢失的可能性.

DupeCatcher is used by almost every client I know to maintain good data quality in their organizations.


也许 并不是所有的解决方案都这么简单, but Salesforce AppExchange apps offer huge potential in helping you run your Salesforce organization—and your business—better and with less hassle.

现在, 当你在寻找最好的应用程序来推动你的公司走向成功, 记住这三件事:成本, 可伸缩性, 和功能.


  • 什么是Salesforce AppExchange应用程序?

    Salesforce AppExchange是 a marketplace for enterprise applications built on the Salesforce platform. 用户可以在他们的组织中浏览、试驾和安装应用程序.

  • 使用AppExchange的好处是什么?

    应用程序用户不必从头开始构建他们需要的功能, 他们只需安装一个应用程序并使用它的功能.

    至于ISV合作伙伴, they don’t have to worry about the infrastructure and security of an application: They only have to implement the business idea on the Salesforce platform.



验证专家 在工程
11 的经验




Fahad是Salesforce认证人员.com Developer and web developer since 2011, including being a senior dev for clients like Honeywell.

authors are vetted 专家s in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal 专家s in the same field.



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